Thursday, January 21, 2016


Dear Parents,
Every other Friday students donate $1 to wear sweatpants on Spirit Day.  This money has been collected  throughout the year to help Iowa schools in need during a time of tragedy.  
We wanted to share with you where some of those donations have gone recently.  We sent a fruit basket to the teachers at Southeast Webster-Grand Elementary School.  This school lost three students, this week, due to a house fire.  We are also sending a basket to Waukee High School to help them cope with their loss of a student.  
Thank you for your continued support of Spirit Days.  The teachers welcome the opportunity to support other schools who experience a tragedy.  
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Catholic Schools Week
January 31-February 5, 2016

St. Malachy School
Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service

Sunday January 31st Opening of Catholic Schools Week
Eucharistic Celebration 9am at Holy Spirit Church
Brunch in Parish Hall following Mass

Monday February 1st Faculty/Staff Appreciation Day
11:30-1pm Lunch for faculty and staff provided by PTO
Parent Volunteers please arrive by 11:15
Students bring sack lunch and eat with Advent Angel
Spirit Week Dress: Blue and Gold Day

Tuesday February 2nd School Appreciation Day
Living Rosary 8:30am - 5th Grade
Spirit Week Dress: Come As You Are Day

Wednesday February 3rd Community Appreciation Day
Chamber of Commerce Coffee 10am in gym
1st Grade Presentations
8th Grade Presentations
Advent Angels - Make Valentine cards for Service men and women and Local Nursing homes
Open House - 6pm Soup Supper - For students and families interested enrolling in our school.
Family Lenten Activities Night - 6:45-8pm
Spirit Week Dress: Class Colors Day

Thursday February 4th Student Appreciation Day
Teachers Vs. Students Competition
Spirit Week Dress: Sports Day

Friday February 5th Grandparents/Special Guest Day
Mass begins at 1:30pm at Holy Spirit Parish
Cookie and Punch Reception  in Parish Hall following Mass
Spirit Day Dress: Dress Up Day

Please Note
baby-its-cold-outside.jpgWe take our students out for recess as long as the “feels like” temperature is 1℉ or above.  Please make sure students come to school with enough clothing to stay bundled and comfortable at recess.  

Seeking Donations for Newspaper Insert and Radio Commercials:
Our 8th grade class is writing articles for a twelve page insert in the Creston News Advertiser and our 6th grade class is preparing 15 second commercials to be broadcast 5 times each on KSIB radio. The insert will be distributed and the ads broadcast during Catholic Schools Week. The cost for the insert and ads will be about $1500. Please send all donations to Sarah.

Tuition – SCRIP =scrip.png
Savings on Tuition
Monthly example
$300 Hy-Vee = $12
$100 Fareway = $1.20
$200 Wal-Mart = $1.60
$100 Casey’s = $1.20
$16 x 10 months = $160
This means $160 taken off your total tuition costs.

Remember scrip is great for grocery shopping and getting those household essentials.
All Scrip orders due in Mondays by 9am for Thursday delivery.  Contact office with any questions.
Scrip Committee continues to sell cards after Mass

SURVEY:  Thank you for taking our survey!  We received 64 responses from parents.  And all of our students and staff participated.  We will share the results with you as soon as they become available.

PTO TRIVIA NIGHT! - January 30th - FLYER
Crestmoor Country Club
Reserve a table as a team or sign-up as an individual & we will place you with a team.
Teams of up to 8 People—$25 per person
Social Hour 6:00PM & Trivia Starts 7:00PM
To register a team complete the registration form at
or contact Beth Kulow at 641.344.6269.
Cash Bar and light snacks will be available.

January 27th - 4th Mass
      Dismiss 2:10
January 29th - Spirit Day - $1
January 30th - PTO Trivia Night
January 31st - February 5th- Catholic Schools Week
February 3rd - Open House - 6pm Soup Supper - For RE students and families interested enrolling in our school.
February 5th - Grandparents Mass 1:30 - Holy Spirit Parish
February 9th - Iowa Energy Game - All School Field Trip
February 16th - Donuts with Dad
February 26th - St. Malachy and Holy Spirit Fish Fry
March 1st - Kindergarten Information  Night
March 5th - St. Malachy Foundation Auction
March 8th - Preschool Information Night

Mrs. Jennifer Simmons ~ Principal

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