Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Dear Parents,
Throughout the school year 1st-8th grade classes are responsible for leading Mass.  This is a very special celebration for our students.  It is a proud time for parents and grandparents to witness their children participating in the Mass.  St. Malachy school would like to provide a reception for the class and immediate families following one of  their Mass celebrations.  Please join us for donuts and coffee on the following dates:
coffee-and-donuts-clipart-coffeedonut.jpgNovember 18th  - 4th Grade
December 16th - 1st Grade
January 13th - 6th Grade
February 24th - 2nd Grade
March 9th - 8th Grade
March 16th - 7th Grade
April 6th - 5th Grade
April 20th - 3rd Grade

A few things to note:

smartphone-call-clipart-royalty-free-smart-phone-clipart-illustration-1224480.jpgSCRIP ON YOUR PHONE - Did you know you can get SCRIP gift cards instantly added to your smartphone from your checking account?  Did you know everytime you purchase a SCRIP gift card you are helping the school and lowering your tuition bill? This sounds like a win win!  Come to St. Malachy School Library - November 18th at 4pm to get your phone all signed up for Black Friday deals and Christmas shopping!  Please bring your checking account number and routing number to help with the signup process.
SCRIP HOLIDAY SCHEDULE - Monday, November 16th will be a normal SCRIP day.  We will be adding an additional day Friday, November 20th and you will receive your cards by Wednesday, November 25th.  We will not have a SCRIP order on Monday, November 23rd and back to normal schedule on Monday, November 30th.

UPDATING OUR TEXTING SERVICE - Do you like to receive text messages from the school?  Well we are going to run an update on our service.  Because of this update, families need to agree to receive text messages again.  Please take a moment to accept our request to continue to be part of our text messaging service. Your cell phone number is pulled directly from PowerSchool. Please make sure the cell phone box in the e-registration process is complete.  If you are not receiving text messages please check your PowerSchool account. If you are still having issues please contact Sarah Lane or Jennifer Simmons

THIS BLOG SHOULD BE IN YOUR EMAIL - Please take a minute and add your email to the upper right hand corner of this blog.  Once this is completed you will receive all the updates St. Malachy adds to the blog right to your inbox.

BOOK FAIR - WOW, thank you, thank you, thank you!  Our Book Fair was a tremendous success.  The teachers loved all of their new books you purchased for them.  Nothing gets a teacher more giddy than a new book.  We were also able to select many new and wonderful hardback books for our school library.  Thank you again for your generous purchases.


November 13th  - Spirit Day $1
November 16th - Board Meeting 7pm
November 18th - 4th Grade Mass & Donuts and Coffee reception to follow
November 18th - 2:10 Dismissal
November 19th - Muffins with Mom 7:30am
November 20th - Additional Scrip Order day, order in by 9 am with delivery on 25th
November 23rd - No Scrip orders this week
November 24th - Spirit Day$1
November 25th - 3rd Grade Mass
November 25th - 2:10 Dismissal
November 26th & 27th - Thanksgiving Vacation
A look ahead - December 13th - St. Malachy Christmas Program

YOU are invited to…
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Thursday, November 19  7:30-8:00 AM
St. Malachy Lunchroom
Mom, grandma, aunt or special person may attend with the student and enjoy a muffin and time of socialization.  If you plan to attend, please sign your name below and send this back to school soon so we can plan accordingly.  THANK YOU, and see you soon!
Please contact the school if you plan to attend.
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Thank you for all you do in making St. Malachy School great!

Have a Blessed weekend,
Mrs. Jennifer Simmons ~ Principal
Dear Heavenly Father from above,
Look down on St. Malachy children with love,
Please keep them in your care,
And tonight hear their prayer.

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