Thursday, March 31, 2016


Dear Parents,
I hope your family had a wonderful Easter!  Our first week back from break has been great.  The students jumped right in and got to work on some great projects.
Next week is Iowa Assessments please make sure child gets plenty of sleep and eats a healthy breakfast.  PTO will provide snacks for our students.  If you would like to provide snacks for our students please follow this link  Our teachers will be using the Iowa Assessment data to help guide our decisions about student instructional needs.
On April 12th we will be voting in a new PTO executive board please consider running for a position. We are need of new leadership for the 2016-2107 school year.


Iowa Assessment Testing
April 4th - 8th
Grades 1st-8th
Please be sure your child gets plenty of rest next week and eats a healthy breakfast.
PTO will be providing snacks that week for our students as well.
Please sign up here if you would like to provide snacks.

April 8, 2016
Morning and Afternoon Sessions
Current kindergarten students will not have school this day.

Holy Spirit Parish
Knights of Columbus Taco Dinner
This Saturday
Location:  St. Malachy School

JA Biz Town
JA BizTown combines in-class learning with a day-long visit to a simulated town. St. Malachy students will learn how to operate banks, manage restaurants, write checks, and vote for mayor. We are very excited to have added this program to our St. Malachy curriculum.  This unit will help students connect the dots between what they learn in school and the real world. Our 5th grade students will be going on April 26, 2016
A huge congratulations to Megan Pellman
She completed the regional round and has qualified to compete in the state level competition of the National Geographic Bee!
Please say a prayer for her as she moves onto the State Competition on April 1, 2016

keep-calm-black-233x300.pngWe are seeking new leadership for our 2016-2017 PTO
Our elections will be:
Tuesday, April 12th
Babysitting will be provided $1 per child

If you have ideas and suggestions for improving St. Malachy school please considering running for a position on our PTO exec board.  
Contact Mrs. Jennifer Simmons email if you are interested in an elected PTO position or leading a specific event or fundraiser.

Y_is_for_Yearbook_LOGO_op_800x578.jpgSt. Malachy is going to have a yearbook this year!  Please watch for me details coming soon!


Our Spring Music Concert date has changed
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Creston High School Auditorium

CTO - Catholic Tuition Organization - DUE APRIL 1st
Please take advantage of the money this organization has to offer.  Even if you are just a bit over the max income you should still apply.  CTO has over 3 millions dollars that they must give to families to help them finance their child’ K-12 Catholic Education.  Many families in our school qualify for this funding.  Please check the income guidelines and complete the application (online or paper form) by April 1, 2016.  St. Malachy pays for your application fee, please contact Mrs. Kim Coen for a voucher if you choose to apply online.

Family Size
Maximum Income


All Scrip orders due in Mondays by 9am for Thursday delivery.  Contact office with any questions.

Scrip Committee continues to sell cards after Mass


April 1st - Spirit Day
April 4th-8th Week- Iowa Assessment Tests
April 6th - 5th Mass and 2:10 dismissal
April 8th - KDG students NO SCHOOL (KDG roundup for 16/17 year)
April 8th - Optional Sack Lunch Day - milk will be available
April 10th - 8th Grade Retreat - Holy Spirit
April 12th - PTO Meeting 6 pm
April 13th - 4th Mass and 2:10 dismissal
April 15th - Spirit Day
April 17th - 1st Eucharist Parent/ Student Session 1pm at St. Malachy
April 18th - BOE Meeting 7 pm
April 20th - 3rd Mass and Donut Reception, 2:10 dismissal
April 22nd - NO SCHOOL
April 26th - Biz Town (5th Grade)
April 27th - 2nd Mass and 2:10 dismissal
April 28th - Lap-a-thon
April 29th - Spirit Day

Mrs. Jennifer Simmons ~ Principal

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