Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Dear Parents,
This Friday will be our first optional sack lunch day.  Students will have the option to purchase hot lunch or bring a sack lunch from home.  Milk will be provided to students who bring a sack lunch.  If you child enjoys an occasional sack lunch from home this is a great day to take advantage of this request.  Our next optional sack lunch day will be April 8th.
This Friday is our last collection day for the Nigerian Seminary.  This past Monday, students got to hear from a man who has visited this Seminary on four separate occasions.  He shared with our students pictures and stories about how these students live day to day.  One of the things that struck me personally was their sleeping conditions.  They have multiple barracks the size of our school gym full of bunk beds.  Approximately 100 boys sleep in each barrack with no air conditioning or a decent roof.  The boys lay on bunk beds without mattresses and water leaking on their heads.  I couldn’t imagine expecting these students to learn with such uncomfortable sleeping conditions.  I hope this Friday our students will dig a little deeper into their piggy banks to help these Nigerian boys halfway around the world. Nigerian Seminary Video
Lastly, I am very excited about our Cross Walk this Friday.  Everytime I tell someone about our Cross Walk I get goosebumps.  Please check your calendar and see if you can join us this Friday for the Cross Walk.

St. Malachy Cross Walk

On Friday, March 11, St. Malachy students will participate in a Cross Walk to experience the final footsteps of Jesus before his death on the cross.  We will be praying the Stations of the Cross as we travel.  

7Tag9rqTA.jpegWe will gather in the courtyard of St. Malachy at 12:45 for the first Station of the Cross.  We will then walk north on Elm Street to Adams Street, then north on Maple Street to Holy Spirit Catholic Church, stopping at certain businesses for the next four Stations of the Cross.  The rest of the Stations of the Cross will be prayed at Holy Spirit Catholic Church.  During this trip, we will also have made our pilgrimage to the Holy Door at Holy Spirit Catholic Church.  

Parents are welcome to join us.  Students will walk with their Lenten Angels in the large group.  We will return to St. Malachy in time for dismissal.  Please make sure your student is dressed appropriately for the weather on that day!

auctionimage3.jpg The Gala was amazing.  Thank you to everyone who donated to this event. We had a great turnout and we raised over $66,000.  


There will be times when a child may not feel well enough to come to school.  For the health of the other children and in the best interest of the child, the child should not come to school if they have been sick during the past 24 hours (fever, diarrhea, vomiting, and/or severe cough/cold).

Tuesday was Mrs. Julia Weisshaar-Mullin’s last day.  She spent her final day with our Honor Choir Students at competition.  We are thankful for all she did for our school while she was here.  St. Malachy school wishes Mrs. Weisshaar-Mullin the best in the future.

Mrs. Melody Stoner will be teaching our instrumental and vocal music the rest of the 2015-2016 school.

We are seeking new leadership for our 2016-2017 PTO
Our elections will be:
Tuesday, April 12th

If you have ideas and suggestions for improving St. Malachy school please considering running for a position on our exec board.  
Contact Mrs. Jennifer Simmons email if you are interested in an elected position or leading a specific event or fundraiser.

Our Spring Music Concert date has changed
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Creston High School Auditorium

bookfair-logo-only1.png  Students will receive a flyer during Library class the second week of March with some of the books that will be available for sale.  The books will hopefully arrive Monday, March 14, and be for sale through Thursday, March 17.  Students may bring money to purchase books before school or during Library class during that week.   Parents may come and purchase books for their children or gifts.  Parents may also purchase books for a teacher’s wish list, books they would use in their classrooms.
Thank you for your support of our school library program!      

seder-meal (1).jpg
Wednesday, March 16th

Thursday, March 17th
Dismiss 11:50am
Conferences 1-9pm
If you have not signed up for your conference time please go the classroom blog and click on the link.
March 18th-27th
Classes Resume on Monday, March 28th

CTO - Catholic Tuition Organization - DUE APRIL 1st
Please take advantage of the money this organization has to offer.  Even if you are just a bit over the max income you should still apply.  CTO has over 3 millions dollars that they must give to families to help them finance their child’ K-12 Catholic Education.  Many families in our school qualify for this funding.  Please check the income guidelines and complete the application (online or paper form) by April 1, 2016.  If you are right on the edge of the income guideline please apply. St. Malachy pays for your application fee, please contact Mrs. Kim Coen for a voucher if you choose to apply online.

Family Size
Maximum Income

Student Progress Reports
Will be available online by
Friday, March 12th, 2016

coin-cannister.jpg6244c7ec-85b7-433f-a58e-8af9e39e3bb2f5727cb8-ff2a-4a50-a8ad-3b2c856f934d (1).jpgSt. Malachy School will continue to participate in the Building the Kingdom Project this 2016 Lenten Season.  All money collected during Lent Spirit days will go towards this project.  Thank you for supporting the high school seminary, Holy Ghost Juniorate, in Nigeria.


All Scrip orders due in Mondays by 9am for Thursday delivery.  Contact office with any questions.
Week of March 14th - No Scrip orders.
Scrip Committee continues to sell cards after Mass


March 11th - Spirit Day & Optional Sack Lunch Day
March 16th - 7th Mass & Donut and Coffee Reception
March 16th - Seder Meal
March 16th - 2:10 Dismissal
March 17th - Parent-Teacher Conferences Dismissal at 11:50
  Conferences - 1:00-9:30
March 18th-March 27th - Spring Break
March 30th - 6th Mass & Donut and Coffee Reception
April 1st - Spirit Day
April 4th Week- Iowa Assessment Tests

Mrs. Jennifer Simmons ~ Principal

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