Thursday, April 14, 2016


Dear Parents,
Mrs. Surma’s mother, Grace Surma passed away on April 12th.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Surma family during this time of great sadness.  The Visitation will be Friday, April 22 at Porter’s Funeral home in Rock Valley.  The Funeral Mass will be at St. Mary’s in Rock Valley on April 23rd.  Thank you for your continued support through this difficult time.

spirit_day.jpg Upcoming Spirit Days
April 15th
April 21st
April 29th

The Civics Club students are going to paint the north entrance under the Cedar Bridge this spring! We are adding an extra spirit day on April 21st to help our Civics Club purchase paint. That is going to look great and be great advertising for St. Malachy School.  Be watching the classroom information the grade bands will be adding a Spirit Day twist. Each class or grade band added some fun extra elements to our upcoming spirit days!

St. Malachy has received some grants this spring that we are very excited about!
*Preschool and Kindergarten each received grants to have a classroom pet!
*Grades K-6 won a Scale UP  math grant called Spatial-Temporal (ST) Math. This math program is a leader in visual math instruction.  This computer program would work in conjunction with our Go Math curriculum.
*Kindergarten won a Scale UP grant called “Making STEM Connections” - this grant provides a kit to inspire the “makers mentality” in our young learners.

Attention 4th-8th Grade Students!

St. Malachy is going to have its first ever yearbook!

Would you like a chance to design this year’s yearbook cover?  If so, enter the yearbook cover design contest.

download (1).jpgThe cover must meet the following criteria:

*Be on a white piece of 8.5x11 paper (may use the opposite side of this sheet)

*Be bright and very colorful

*Must be hand drawn

*Must include the words:  Faith, Academics & Leadership

*Include St. Malachy's name: St. Malachy School

*Include the year: 2015-2016

*Include your name in the bottom right corner of the design.

Submit your design to your teacher by Thursday, April 21st.  

Michelle Nelson-Schmidt is coming April 21st! She is a children's author and illustrator.  We can't wait to have her visit St. Malachy School.  A thanks goes out to the PTO for hosting her visit. Learn More Here

Lap-a-thon 2015
4-7-15      Lap-a-thon fundraiser begins:  
4-7-15      Start pledge sheet
4-26-15 Return Pledge sheet & money for PK-8th
4-28-15    Lap-a-thon Day

760_391_csupload_49789618.jpgMiddle School Open House
Current 5th Grade Students
April 28th

Come learn what is life like in St. Malachy Middle School? Plus, find out what can parents expect from the Middle School student:

JA Biz Town
JA BizTown combines in-class learning with a day-long visit to a simulated town. St. Malachy students will learn how to operate banks, manage restaurants, write checks, and vote for mayor. We are very excited to have added this program to our St. Malachy curriculum.  This unit will help students connect the dots between what they learn in school and the real world. Our 5th grade students will be going on April 26, 2016

Elections were
Tuesday, April 12th
Congratulations to our new elected officials
President - Shiloh Genero
Vice President - Staci Pokorny
Secretary - Lora Pellman
Treasurer - We are still seeking a Treasurer

If you have ideas and suggestions for improving St. Malachy school please considering joining PTO next fall.
Contact Mrs. Jennifer Simmons email if you are interested in leading a specific event or fundraiser.

Our Spring Music Concert date has changed
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Creston High School Auditorium

scrip.pngTuition – Scrip =
Savings on Tuition
Monthly example
$200 Hy-Vee = $8
$200 Wal-Mart = $1.60
$100 BP Gas = $0.60
$10.20 x 10 months = $102

This means $102 taken off your total tuition costs.
Scrip orders will be due in on Monday by 9am for Thursday delivery.  Contact office with any questions.
Check out the national website,, and see what they have to offer besides our local business.  For example:  Amazon 3%, American Eagle 10%, Kohl’s 4%, iTunes 5%, Gap 14%, Old Navy 14%, T.J Max 9% and many Des Moines restaurants.


April 15th - Spirit Day
April 17th - 1st Eucharist Parent/ Student Session 1pm at St. Malachy
April 18th - Science Bowl (8th Grade)
April 18th - BOE Meeting 7 pm
April 20th - 3rd Mass and Donut Reception, 2:10 dismissal
April 21st - Spirit Day
April 21st - The author Michelle Nelson Schmidt is coming!
April 22nd - NO SCHOOL Professional Development
April 26th - Biz Town (5th Grade)
April 27th - 2nd Mass and 2:10 dismissal
April 27th - Science Fair Open House
April 28th - Middle School Open House (current 5th grade students)
April 28th - Lap-a-thon
April 29th - Spirit Day
April 29th - Science Fair Judging


Mrs. Jennifer Simmons ~ Principal

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